Looking back to Junior Hackathon 2018

For the third year, the non-profit organization JA Czech, in cooperation with AT&T and the Secondary School of Informatics, Postal and Finance, Čichnova Brno is organizing a programmer competition for students of secondary schools JUNIOR HACKATHON 2018 (#juniorhack2018).

Students worked in following categories

  • Ecology & Sustainability
  • Smart buildings
  • Security, Smart grids & Infrastructure


1st place
  • School: Gymnasium Brno, Vídeňská.
  • Members of the winning team: Matúš Miškuf, David Klajbl, Martin Svoboda.
2nd place
  • School: SPŠSE a VOŠ Liberec.
  • Members of the winning team: Bulíř Martin, Kozák Radim, Petrásek Vojtěch, Rethy Ondřej, Tulak Dominik a Kučera Radek.
3rd place
  • School: SOŠ Educanet Brno.
  • Members of the winning team: Janko Filip, Koliba Ondřej, Raida Filip.
Award “Best presentation”

This award got Team from SPŠSE a VOŠ Liberec which is winner of second place too.

Award “The best technical solution”

You can find photos from the event in the gallery.

The award got SPŠ Purkyňova, Brno. Team menbers were: Matuška Lukáš, Rodák Jan, Mičánek Jakub, Buchmaier Jan, Krajíček Lukáš, Kudláček Vojta.

You can find photos from the event in the gallery.


Hackathon Projects

SPŠE v Úžlabině
PHP, Python, Java, C, C++, C#, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Arduino, Rpi, ESP8266
It seemed very original to us to provide more information about the life of bats to scientists. Our app allows scientists and enthusiasts to explore the life of this animal in nature in its natural environment. Thanks to the data we can better protect bats.
Java, knihovna processing Maven
We create a tool for visualizing and analyzing the movement of students and teachers in schools. From the student's application that contains his/her schedules, we get the necessary data, which we process into the diagram. The resulting data shows us the load in the given sections of the building. According to these data, the user can customize or create a personalized schedule.
Střední průmyslová Emila Kolbena Rakovník
Rapsberry Pi 3 B+
We wanted to make life in the city simpler. You come to town and you have no parking. This application will help you find out where space is available and do not waste time searching. Using cameras will actually scan cars and show where the free space is and it would be sent to the application.
Ustřední Topení
SPŠ Purkyňova
Pygame, Click, Numpy, Python
Our objective is to create an AI for traffic simulation, where AI will be dominated by traffic lights. Semaphore control increases traffic efficiency, reduces air pollution, private ownership decreases - more time, less stress, less fuel consumed.
Parkeli Team
SPŠSE a VOŠ Liberec
2nd place
HW: BigClown, Rapsberry Pi, C,
Cli: Python
APP: HTML, Less, TypeScript
Tools: GitHUb, Adobe Xd, Adobe PhoneGap
We chose this topic because many of us have already encountered the situation when they arrived in an unknown city and were looking for the closest parking places according to certain services (opening hours, electromobility charging stations, LPG vehicles, price, ...) . This has led us to create a comprehensive solution for parking or department stores.
Střední škola teleinformatiky Ostrava
Turris, Rapsberry Pi, Python, PHP
Everyone is increasingly using internet-connected services and most of these services collect data about their users. Our DnTrack product is designed to very easily increase privacy by blocking undesirable DNS addresses for services designed to track users regardless of whether the data is being sent by a user or a washing machine. DnTrack is designed for people who are not technically capable but want to increase their privacy and security. Installation requires only two steps to connect and set DNS on the router.
SPSE hackathon team
SPŠE a VOŠ Pardubice
Python, Flask, Git, GitLab, CI, Balena Suite, Java, Android.
Our project is focused at the general public as well as for enthusiasts in modern technologies. This is an advanced concept of a smart home that not only gives users a picture of the status of the rooms, their level of lighting, temperature, but also integrates the possibility of artificial intelligence and analysis of the presence of people in individual hours to adjust the heating schedule. Other features such as automatic lighting are also included.
Gymnázium Brno, Vídeňská
1st place
Arduino, Rapsberry 3B+, PC, Netbeans
"What if it burned here!" David said. "Perhaps it would be great to know where is a way what get us out, even if the fire blocked one of the exits." If we put sensors that would detect fire in certain important nodes / corridors / rooms. Initially, it would be necessary to scan the building / area plan (we will only simulate the model). Then distribute the sensors. The application would be able to show the safest and fastest way out in the event of a fire.
SŠ informatiky, poštovnictví a finančnictví Brno
Rapsberi Pi, lego, senzory, krokové motory, Git
We want to clean the city with artificial intelligence and computer vision. In this topic, we saw the untapped potential and the possibility of changing the way cities view their maintenance and management.
Střední průmyslová Emila Kolbena Rakovník
PHP, JS, HTML/CSS, Python, Rapsberry 3
System for the regulation of living conditions in terrariums and enclosed areas for animals.
Střední průmyslová škola elektrotechniky a informatiky, Ostrava
Android studio, Java, GitHub,Photoshop
Our goal is to create a friendly, minimalist application for owners of solar panels or other renewable energy equipment that allows them to monitor the performance of their equipment in real-time and through long-term graphs or actual values. But we also place great emphasis on those who still do not own solar panels and our applications will help them decide whether to buy them and what panel to buy.
SŠ informatiky, poštovnictví a finančnictví Brno
PHP, C, Python, Arduino, JS/Ajax, HTML, CSS
Because of the continual pollution of the ocean. Prototype robotic small boats, mainframe, payload, automation.
Ta lepší skupina z PSLIBu
SPŠSE a VOŠ Liberec
Rapsberry - (Linux, Python, Wireshark (PyShark), cURL), API - (Linux, MySQL, PHP, Laravel), Android - (Xamarin framework)
Apps to track the number of people in different businesses from stores to the gym. By comparing the average and the current number, businesses rank according to how much they pay to go. From these data, they generate analytics for owners and recommendations or alerts to customers.
Střední škola automobilní a informatiky
GIT, arduino, photoshop, inventor
Automated transport infrastructure management.
3rd place
Python, PHP, HTML (CSS, JS)
Our project should be address to hospitals. We focus mainly on the digitization of the hospital and the better availability of staff information about the patient's condition. Our SW continuously measures the temperature and humidity in the room, and continuously measures the person's heartbeat on the bed. In the dashboards, you will find much more information, for example, with what diagnosis the patient has come to and how he should be treated, that is, the nurses do not need read all the documentation and can see the current state of the patient's diagnosis.
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